Monday, 10 February 2014

The Birthday Girl...

There was once a girl.. who tended to be quite.. who spoke to none.. 
But when someone tried to approach her and talk to her, she immediately opens up and tells whatever is in her mind.....

She was a beautiful girl, with a high spirit..
She was a girl who was always positive, Nothing stopped her from achieving whatever is in her mind..

She loved, laughed, cried, with no fear of people's eyes..
To be her friend, is such an honor..

and just wanting to be her friend is another honor...

She is a person who is always loyal, a person who never forgets, a person who always stays by your side, even if time changed, and people changer, she never leaves, she is always around...

A friend like her you should never lose..
A friend like her is a one in a life...
A friend like her is a true friend who never leaves, a friend who forgives, a friend who protects, a friend who loves, and lastly, a friend who you can always trust..

Yes... That's you "Sokii", you are the one, you are the one who didn't forget me once, even thought I didn't even talk to you ,,, even thought I wasn't able to meet you... but you didn't leave, you stayed by my side till the end,, and you still are by my side,,, you never left ... that's why you are a best friend..

forgive me for my mistakes..
forgive me for my stupid words..
forgive me for everything I have done wrong towards you..
because  that was a foolish thing from me to do..

Happy birthday my friend.. Lets hope all your days are beautiful as today ... <3

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

check this it out ! it's so cute !! ^^"

Dont u think its sweet 1hhh so cool !i loved it!!

i will make it at the holiday !^^”


Friday, 9 March 2012

By !!! >>>“Lady Sunshine by Karin Taylor

i was just searching any thing like this ! and then i found these draws ! and i was totally impressed ! i downloaded then to post them here ...^^” ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ...

ARENT THEY NICE ! AWWW SO NICE ! seriously KARIN TAYLOR is an artistic ! ^^:
The thing i love about these pictures is that they R so colorful ! They colors Are attractive ! ^^”

and they are perfectly drawn !! with all the details ! ^^” i hope my draws can be perfect as hers ! ^^”

and ya ! these r some poems That Karin Taylor written them !

Aren’t they Good ! i like them both ^^”

i hope u liked the post !

Greeting around the world ! (continuo)....

chick this out !

Korean greeting !!!

Indian greeting !! !

Thailand !  greeting !!!

French greeting !!

Ethiopian Greeting !!

Japanese Greeting !!!

New Zealand greeting !!!


UAE greeting !! ^^”

I hope u like the post ! and we need to respect other cultures greetings ! because each culture have a different way to see. ^^”

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Greeting around the world ! ^^"

Hey ppl ! Long time no posts !

i got nice pic’s for greeting around the world !>!

This is how they greet in India ! ^^ nice HuH

this  is how they greet at Thailand !! don’t u think its same as indian greeting ! STILL NICE !

sorry thats all  ! i will continue showing other greetings @!!


Monday, 30 January 2012

The bird and the white flower ♥ ♥الطائر و الوردة البيضاء

‎..~♥ ذات♥ مرة♥ وقع ♥طائر♥ في♥ غرام♥ وردة♥ بيضاء♥ وقرر♥ أن♥ يصارحها♥ بحبه ♥، ولكنها♥ رفضت ♥ وقالت♥ أنا♥ لا♥ أحبك♥. فظل♥ يصارحها ♥بحبه ♥بشكل♥ يومي ♥. وأخيراً ♥قالت ♥الوردة♥ البيضاء ♥للطائر♥عندما ♥يصبح♥ لوني♥ أحمر♥ سوف♥ أحبك ♥. وفي♥ أحد♥ الأيام ♥أتى ♥الطائر ♥وقطع ♥جناحيه♥ ونشر♥ دمه♥ على♥ الوردة♥ البيضاء♥ فتحول♥ لونها♥ إلى♥ الأحمر ♥. فأدركت ♥الوردة♥ كم♥ أحبها♥ الطائر ♥، لكن♥ الوقت♥ كان♥ قد♥ فات♥ لأن ♥الطائر♥ كان♥ قد♥ مات ♥فـ عليك♥ ان♥ تحافظ ♥على♥ من ♥احبك ♥واعلم ♥ان♥ من♥ احبك♥ انه ♥ياتى♥ مرة♥ واحدة♥ فى♥ العمر ♥.....!!

لذا اعرف ان هناك دائماً شخص يحبك و يهتم بك دون علمك !! او مع علمك !! لا تجعل ذلك الشخص يذهب عنك !! و حااافظ عليه ± 

 there was a bird who fall in love with a white flower  , so he decided to revel his love to the flower , but she rejected and said : i don’t love u , so this bird  stay reveling his love to the white flower everyday , so finally  the white flower said to the bird :  i will love u if my color went from white to red , she know its impossible ; one of the days the bird came and he Hurt  his wings upwards the flower so the  blood fall on the white flower and it turned to a red flower , the white flower knew that  the bird was her true love , but it was too late for her to realize that he is her love  because he was dead after cutting his wings , ♥ u have to take care of ur one true love , and by the way , loves happens ones in ur life ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥